Happy fall!!
Welcome to a new year of school. If this is your first year at Immanuel Lutheran, the PTL extends a very warm welcome to each of you. If you are a “seasoned” Immanuel family, I know that you are as excited as we are to be starting the school year up again.
As Michelle and I embark on our second year as PTL chair and co-chair, we are looking forward to continuing to work with the Board of Education, Administration, our amazing teachers, our invaluable staff and parents to provide an excellent learning experience for our children.
Immanuel Lutheran’s PTL is an integral part of the Immanuel family. Not only do we host fun events during the school year for students and families, we also provide funds and volunteers for our teachers and staff. We are working on some new and exciting ideas for this school year to connect families and continue to build on our strong community.
We welcome both new families and returning families to join the PTL at our bimonthly meetings. The old adage, “It takes a village”, comes to mind when I think about all the wonderful things that happen at Immanuel Lutheran. With your help we can strengthen and build our village to unbelievable heights. PTL meetings are typically on Mondays at 6:30 p.m. in the Christian Life Center and are scheduled monthly. If you are in need of childcare at the meeting, please let us know and we will try to arrange for that.

Our family has been a part of Immanuel Lutheran School for 10 years. Kathryn is in 9th grade, Kaden is in 7th grade, and Kayla is in 1st grade. My husband, Mike, is a Mechanical Engineer at IBM. I am a registered nurse with the Lewiston-Altura School District. We live on a hobby farm just outside of Plainview where we raise a few sheep, pigs, chickens for eggs and meat, turkeys, and 2 cats. We are members of Hilltop Fellowship Church.
Our family is enjoying our fifth year at Immanuel Lutheran School. We have three children; James, Lila and Peyton. James and Lila are in second grade and Peyton is in preschool. My husband Kory is a Large Animal Veterinarian. I am a Registered Nurse at St. Mary’s Hospital. We live on a hobby farm outside of Plainview where we raise beef cattle. We are members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church.

(507) 951-4586